Thursday 16 February 2012

Family ?

Lately I've been wondering if past generations really do have a shaping or some sort hand to play in our futures. Now don't get me wrong I used to strongly believe that I was my own person that I was not shaped by my family at all but lately upon doing some research into my family tree I've begun to question that. Despite my strong objections to my family there is also a strong underlying wish to trace my roots and to see where I fit into it all. What caused this drastic change is actually the University I attend. When you go To Maynooth the name Nicholas Callan is unavoidable,from Callan Hall to Callan building and he is even referred to as one of the most famous students to attend the college. I even have a history tutorial in Callan building on a Wednesday afternoon, his name seems to be everywhere I look. So imagine my surprise when I discovered that I am supposedly
related to him. So you might be wondering why I am looking so deeply into this and I guess I have no other way to justly explain it other than my choice of University. From, the time I was thirteen I've told people that I would be going to University in Maynooth.But I honestly cannot say what drew me to place. I'd never seen it, I never knew anyone who went there and I certainly didn't know what I wanted to study there. In fact I don't think I'd even been in the village of Maynooth before I went to the University open day when I was seventeen. Obviously I'm not saying this anything to do with Nicholas Callan or fate or anything like that, especially since I didn't know I was related to him since a couple of weeks ago but what I am saying is that how strange is it that I ended up attending the same college that he lectured at. The connection is undeniable. Anyway perhaps I am just looking deeply into it, but I just find all this so fascinating :) Here's a picture of the fellow in question via google images (It kind of feels like being related to a celebrity when you have to google image him)

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Human Failings

I had a tutorial today and I was starkly reminded how cruel humans can actually be.I just wish that it was not in our nature to mock people or to openly make fun of others to their faces, there's truly no need for it. Anyways without going into what happened it made me quite sad and stayed with me for the whole bus ride home which is about an hour and forty minutes give or take. I literally could not shake the feeling. But this just heightened my discomfort because here I was feeling horrible and feeling sad for the person who was picked on, but I just wondered did the people who actually did it,feel any remorse at all ? Probably not. All I ask is that you be good to each other. If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. and finally, Treat others like you wish to be treated. You only get one life - Tasha :)